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Guillaume IYENDA
Institut Supérieur de commerce de Kinshasa


footsteps, lighthouse, worldwide .


ities were common in precolonial Africa and African societies from North to South lived in cities before the arrival of western colonisers in the continent. Traditional societies in Africa developed cities with royal courts, an administration, an army, a police force and other urban services. When western colonisers arrived in Central Africa in the 19th century, they found that the majority of African lived in rural areas while 10% of them lived in cities.

While the majority of population in Central Africa is currently living in rural areas, most countries in the region have been experiencing an urban revolution since their independences. In the last twenty years only, Africa has experienced the fasted urban growth in the developing world at 3.5% per year on average and this trend of urban growth is expected to continue until 2050. By 2025, some African countries will account for more than 85% of urban population.

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More details on this section can be found on Iyenda, G., Case Study for the AFRICITIES Conference Report 2015 : The City of Kinshasa in ‘Shaping the Future of Africa with the People. The Contribution of Local Authorities to the Agenda

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