Accueil / Archives / Volume n°20, Mars 2023 Mars 2023 / ARTICLE SCIENTIFIQUE


Rufin Iyeli Maliko
Institut Supérieur de commerce de Kinshasa


Emotional intelligence, Job performance.


Background : The influence of emotional intelligence on the job performance of employees is attracting more and more attention from any organization, regardless of its size, nature, dimensions, locations. Based on previous relevant literature in the fields of emotional intelligence and organizational management. This research proposes and examines the internal mechanism, that of the relationship between emotional intelligence and performance in employees of Orange computers. Specifically, this study is to determine how self-management as one of the facets of emotional intelligence influences the performance of employees of Orange computers.

Methods : A 33-item questionnaire, the Likert scale was used to collect data on emotional intelligence and work performance. A total of 276 American employees who work at Orange computers participated in the study.

Results : Statistical package for the social sciences was used to statistically assess the data (SPSS). The results of the present study generated a theoretically significant relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance, which helps to understand the dynamics by which emotional intelligence might influence job performance. The results underscore and reinforce that employee intelligence plays a key role in understanding how employees’ ability to perceive and manage their emotions can directly and indirectly influence their performance at work.


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